UCLH ICU Pain Management

Published: Digital Health coursework, 2020

My Role: UX researcher


  1. Collect users’ needs
  2. Evaluate if the product meets users’ needs

Tags: Digital Health, UX research


1. Design Process, Research Goal & Method

Design Process

2. User Understanding


Interview questions12 interviews with 12 ICU staff from different roles were conducted by 12 groups to collect data.


An observational study was also conducted when we arrived ICU wards. The ICU layout, artifacts, etc. were collected for further analysis.

ICU wardICU ward
ICU warddashboard used in the ward

Thematic Analysis

Qualitative data was analyzed with Google online sheet to collaborate with other teammates.

data coding

3. Analysis & Synthesis

COM-B Model, a human behaviour change model was used to find users’ Barriers and Enablers.

COM-B model

the enablers analysisthe barriers analysis

4. Findings

Common User Needs

  1. Quick simple interpretation

  2. Learn from historical data

  3. Easily accessible location

  4. Patient data privacy and security.

Specialized User Needs

Bedside DashboardBedside Clinical Staff
1. Overview of individual patient’s current and historic pain data;
2. Pain data & other clinical data (medication, vital signs);
3. Clear and simple pain data collection;
4. Record and display quantitative data (0-4 pain scale);
5. Record and display qualitative data (deep breathing, coughing, mobilizing, clinical notes);
6. Accessible on the bedside computers;
Ward DashboardICU Ward
1. Snapshot of what is happening on the ward;
2. Overview of the unit’s historic and current pain management performance;
3. Visually seethe end quality improvement goal;
4. Accessible on a large public display;
5. Visible and easily accessible location (hallway)
Senior ViewSenior Staff and Management
1. Overview of the unit’s pain management performance over time;
2. Pain management performance & patient experience data;
3. Visually see the end quality improvement goal;