About Me

Hello! This is Yihe. I am a Ph.D. student in Computational Media at Baskin School of Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz. I am advised by Dr. Kate Ringland under Misfit Lab.

My work and research

My research interests lie at the intersection of human-computer interaction, critical disability studies, sociotechnical systems, and digital accessibility. I am particularly passionate about advancing our understanding of critical disability issues, with a focus on neurodivergent individuals and those on the autism spectrum.

My background and history

I received my M.S. from the Human-Computer Interaction program at University College London, UK, and my B.S. from the Department of Information Communication at Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. Before starting my PhD at UCSC, I spent a year as a media designer at yU+co.[lab] Shanghai division, working with multimedia artist Ng Tsz Kwan. To seek my interest in research, I then went to Duke Kunshan University, China, worked with Dr. Xin Tong as a full-time HCI research assistant.